Barry Goldwater: Trademark horn-rim eyeglasses lapel pin
Barry Goldwater: Trademark horn-rim eyeglasses lapel pin

Barry Goldwater: Trademark horn-rim eyeglasses lapel pin

Price: $4.95
Lapel pin promoting Barry Goldwater for U.S. senator, Arizona, 1974.
Catalog No: 6928
Availability: In Stock.
SIZE: 1 in.
GRADE: Choice/XF
Lapel pin promoting Barry Goldwater for U.S. senator, Arizona, 1974.

Ten years after losing the presidency in the largest landslide to that time, Goldwater was reelected to a fourth Senate term. This classic lapel pin (often misrepresented as a 1964 campaign item) features Goldwater's trademark horn-rim spectacles.

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