George McGovern: Psychedelic DON'T COP OUT...VOTE poster
George McGovern: Psychedelic DON'T COP OUT...VOTE poster

George McGovern: Psychedelic DON'T COP OUT...VOTE poster

On sale: $125.00 $100.00
Poster urging newly enfranchised young adults to register and vote, and advocating the legalization of cannabis, 1972.
Catalog No: 20602
Availability: In Stock.
SIZE: 14.5 x 21.5 in.
GRADE: Choice/XF
Poster urging newly enfranchised young adults to register and vote, and advocating the legalization of cannabis, 1972. The Rip Off Press, D. Sheridan artist. Psychedelic artwork features a pointing Uncle Sam wearing a hat with cannabis leaf star and a button reading, "It's Time to Decriminalize Marijuana/ Vote McDope in '72." A parody of the famous James Flagg WWI recruiting poster intended to boost the youth vote for Democrat George McGovern without using his name. First we have seen.

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