Greeley and Brown: Unlisted jugate shell locket
Greeley and Brown: Unlisted jugate shell locket

Greeley and Brown: Unlisted jugate shell locket

Price: $375.00
Shell locket promoting Horace Greeley for president and B. Gratz Brown for vice president, 1872.
Catalog No: 20819
Availability: In Stock.
SIZE: 25 mm
GRADE: Choice/AU
Shell locket promoting Horace Greeley for president and B. Gratz Brown for vice president, 1872. Silvered brass shell. Unlisted in DeWitt. OBV: Bust of Greeley to right; wheat wreath below; HORACE GREELEY, above. REV: Bust of Brown to right; olive wreath below; B. GRATZ BROWN, above. Looped at top. Rare shell with only a handful of auction appearances, none this fine. Bright, high grade specimen.

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