Johnson Wants Kennedy
Johnson Wants Kennedy

Johnson Wants Kennedy

Price: $49.95
Pinback button promoting Robert F. Kennedy for U. S. Senate, New York, 1964.
Catalog No: 3828
Availability: In Stock.
SIZE: 3.5 in.
GRADE: Choice/XF

Pinback button promoting Robert F. Kennedy for U. S. Senate, New York, 1964. N. G. Slater Corp., New York.

Increasingly at odds with Lyndon Johnson following his brother's death, and sensing an opportunity to further his own career, Robert Kennedy resigned his post as head of the Justice Department to run for the U.S. Senate from his adopted home in New York, coasting to victory despite charges of carpetbagging. Strained relations with the president notwithstanding, the two men appear together on this uncommon pinback which seems to imply that RFK had LBJ's hearty endorsement. Politics makes strange bedfellows.

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