Moratorium May 5 Out Now / Kent Augusta Jackson S.E. Asia
Moratorium May 5 Out Now / Kent Augusta Jackson S.E. Asia

Moratorium May 5 Out Now / Kent Augusta Jackson S.E. Asia

Price: $12.95
Pinback button issued for the May 5 Moratorium against the Vietnam War, 1972.
Catalog No: 3239
Availability: In Stock.
SIZE: 2.5 in.
GRADE: Choice/XF

Pinback button issued for the May 5 Moratorium against the Vietnam War, 1972. Horn Co., Philadelphia, for Student Mobilization Committee.

Draws a parallel between the war in Southeast Asia and violence that erupted on college campuses in the United States, notably at Kent, Augusta and Jackson State Universities in May 1971 following the invasion of Cambodia. The May 5 Moratorium marked the one-year anniversary of the Kent State Massacre.

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