Ordering made easy
Ready to buy?
If so, ordering from Legacy Americana is easy, and we give you two ways to do it. You can use this website to place orders securely anytime, day or night, or you can phone in your order during business hours by calling our toll-free customer service line from anywhere in the United States. If your call goes thru to our voice messaging system, it means our office is closed, or we are temporarily unable to take additional calls. Leave your name and number, and we’ll call you back no later than the next business day.
Orders are accepted and items sold on a first-come, first-served basis, as they are logged by the system. This means that an order placed via the website is given priority, even if a phone order was initiated first. To avoid disappointment, we recommend that customers order via the website instead of by phone when they have the option.
We no longer accept orders initiated by postal mail. While you are welcome to mail in a payment for an order placed online or by phone, we cannot input new orders that arrive by mail, even if payment is included. The logistics of substitutions, credits and refunds simply preclude this old fashioned method of ordering, sorry to say!
Electronic mail will be treated like phone messages; orders initiated by e-mail are not confirmed until logged by the system, which will mean a delay until your e-mail can be read. Again, to avoid disappointment, we recommend ordering via the website in preference to this method.
When your order has been logged by the system, you will be sent a confirmation e-mail, which will be followed by another e-mail when the order has shipped. If you do not receive these e-mails, check your spam folder and add our domain to your mail client's whitelist.
If for any reason there is a change to your order, you will be notified either by phone or e-mail before the order ships. While we strive for 100% accuracy, errors inevitably creep into our system. The most common error is an item going out of stock but still showing as in stock, and we won’t know until we go to physically retrieve it from the warehouse. When this happens, the normal procedure is to credit back the customer and ship the remaining items from the order.
If you have any questions about the order process, let us know. We look forward to serving you!